Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vol 89 When life sucks, it sucks hard!

I'll just out with it.

I killed my laptop.

I am in the habit of simply closing the lid when I go to bed. Not taking the extra 20 seconds to shut it down. I awoke last weekend to find that one of my air conditioners had peed all over my desk. Mostly on my laptop. When I opened it there was a puddle in the keyboard. No friendly little green lights. I turned it on it's side and a cup of water poured out.

I panicked for a little bit. Seriously. Then I called Lane on what was left of my calling card. I quickly told him the situation and asked him to quickly tell me if it was ok before my calling call died. "It's dead" he said. "You might recover your hardrive but your laptop is toast".

I started crying, he comforted me.

One of our investors at work owns a computer business so I gave it to him the next day. He has confirmed that it's dead and agrees the hardrive is probably allright. His guys are going to try to turn my internal hardrive into an external hardrive so I can access all my files.

All of my photos from 2008 are on it. The book I've been working on is on it.


So, much as I would like to finish the India blog and show off all the great Hindu wedding photos I got, I cannot.

Back when I can,



Dory said...


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you can retrieve your hard drive and find another awesome computer. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

im really sorry to hear that. i actually broke my moms last computer but now we have a new one (the one i am using now). i was scared at first but we were going to get a new one anyway.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I would be really upset to kill my laptop! All of my poetry is on it and I cherish my work. Plus my mom told me that if it broke, I might be able to get another one (I doubt that). But I'm going through an "independant" stage when I don't really want to ask for much. But I'm sorry and I hope everything goes fine and that you get an even better laptop! =]

Unknown said...
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ColOman said...

blogroll me angry susan

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, honey! That sucks. Is the external hard drive system working for you?
