Friday, September 21, 2007

Vol 46 Vacation

OK, I am on vacation for 2 weeks. Traveling by myself. But I'm not telling where. You have to guess. Where in the world is Susan Sarada? (Sorry- Mıchele, Brian and anyone else who knows where I am- you are disqualified from guessing)

I'll keep adding photos as the weeks progress. Hopefully I haven't made it too easy for you....

PS- I could not be happier..... I am overflowing with happiness.....

Sept 23d Two more photo hints....

Sep 26th I just got word today that my visa has been denied for the second country that I was going to visit so now I have to last minute scramble and choose a new country. What fun. Crappy internet where I am now so I can't post any new photos. I'll probably be returning to the capitol tonight so I will post more then. Russ and Mom have guessed correctly (not sure how Mom figured it out), everyone else, keep guessing.....

Sept 27th You have all pretty much guessed now so here is a give away photo. Over 2000 years old....

Sept 28th My last night in this country. I am bummed to be leaving but excited to be going to the next country. For those of you who still have not figured out where I am here is another photo. It was taken out the wındow of the place I've been staying here. Look closely.....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that you are in England or some Norhern European Country...... I have a cousin in England.....


Anonymous said...

I think you are in Bombay. Mom

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know where you are, but so I don't give it away to everyone, the place you are in the photo has initials of DP and it was built in the mid 1800's.

Anonymous said...

Delhi... something?

Anonymous said...

All those years of watching The Amazing Race actually paid off!

Anonymous said...

What fun Susan. Bummer I can't play .

Love Sis

Oman Susan said...

Holy crap, Russ! You are the wınner! Everyone else, keep guessıng.....

Anonymous said...

hmmm, do they have a ping pong show there?

Anonymous said...

The third photo has initials of BM.

Google is your friend.

Great destination choice Susan. I have a friend who is visiting the same country right now.

Anonymous said...

tell me Sues. Is your favorite color blue by any chance. Mom

Anonymous said...

Is it Morocco?

Oman Susan said...

My mother is brialliant. She emailed her guess to me and was correct!

Anonymous said...

I know that you do not drink coffee, but, do they have notoriously strong coffee where you are?

Oman Susan said...

Jessica- maybe.....

Dory said...


Anonymous said...

I got it I finally got it.....
I am sooo jealouse, I have always dreamed of visiting there.....

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Susan. That picture is amazing! Love the contrast between the concrete and the sky and clouds. I goggled the location and checked it out on the web. Just incredible. I can't wait to see the rest of your photos that day.

love Michele

Anonymous said...

Susan, Contact me, you have a IM virus.


PS: Turkey?

Oman Susan said...

Lane, the virus you encountered was on the computer at the Pension where I was staying. It seems to have affected my contacts on Messenger. Yikes! Everyone who accepted a file from me on Messenger in the last couple of days should run a virus program. I never sent anything! So sorry!

Anonymous said...


you used hte Word pension, well I looked that up!


(in France and elsewhere in continental Europe)
a. a boardinghouse or small hotel.
b. room and board.

(amoung other definations as well of course)

Your in Europe!!!!!!

Oman Susan said...

Michele- no concrete in that ruin. It's all stone and marble. It's amazing.

Katie said...

Looks like you are having fun girly!! We just spent a wonderful week in France and are now in England. It sure will be hard to go back to work. :P