Friday, April 4, 2008

Vol 73 Michele Day 5

This post is being withheld until my dear, sweet, dentally phobic sister, Michele, keeps her promise to make an appointment to have her teeth cleaned in Vancouver. She promised our hygienist here in Muscat that she would do it in April and as it is now April, it is time.

The Day 5 blog post is completed, I have but to hit post and it will be there for you all to read.

I do this, because I love her and I know that sometimes she needs a little help to do the things that are best for her.

I'll start Day 6 in the meantime. Hope she doesn't keep you all waiting too long.....


Anonymous said...

Michele, Michele, get your teeth cleaned! I'll bug you about this when I see you. Remember cleaning is so much more pleasant than having cavities filled... Karen :)

Anonymous said...

Sooooo I come to work yesterday at the Gap in Vancouver and one of my employees asks if I have made a dentist appointment yet! I am just minding my own business in my personal life and the whole "blog hostage taking fiasco" rears it ugly head. Can I not get some peace and sell some jeans and khaki's guilt free?

Just wanted you all to know I HAVE a Dental appointment for May 6th so my dear, sweet, caring, protective sister SUSAN can release the Blog as Hostage and post Day 5!!!!

Love you with every guilty twinge, Michele

Anonymous said...

Good on you Michele. We were all waiting anxiously for day 5 and now I am enjoying reading it. See you on Saturday. Love you lots. Mom