Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vol 80 Michele Day 12

This is going to be the quickest blog post I write for Michele's trip to Oman.

Here we are in Sharjah, at 6am, waiting to board our plane back to Muscat.

We were dead-dog tired. It was actually difficult to get these photos. We were so tired we kept laughing while we were trying to capture the depth of our exhaustion.

When we got back to my apartment we slept and slept and slept.

We had dinner at Automatic Restaurant, an excellent Lebanese place. Clockwise from the plate on the left- Arugula, carrots, Syrian pickles and olives (comes with all meals in the same way bread does back home), Hummus, fatouche salad, and labneh with garlic. Labneh is like sour cream with a bit of cream cheese mixed in.You eat it and the hummus with Arabic bread which is prettu much the same as pita bread.

Michele had a mixed fresh juice cocktail- mango, strawberry and banana.

She also had grilled lamb kebabs which she tells me were very good.

That's it. That's pretty much all we did that day. Slept and ate dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say to that? Welcome home from a good holiday! Good food, good sights and good company. What more could you ask for. Nighty night. Mom