Eric and Val and the kids and I went to the resort at Al Sawadi Beach. Nice resort/hotel with the typical outdoor pool.
The beach goes on and on… both directions.
Lots of small, beautiful shells and the occasional goats jaw.
These purpley-blue gooey things were partially submerged in the sand. We decided they were probably jelly fish.
This guy stopped me on the beach and motioned/asked if I’d like to take his picture. Then he tried to chat with me but he didn’t speak hardly any English! He did manage to ask where I am from- Britannia? Lots of laughing as we tried to communicate.
It’s called Karjeeen, (not a typo, it really does have 3 e’s), and it’s a shisha cafĂ©. Shisha is a fragrant, fruity tobacco mix that is smoked in big hookas called hubblie bubblies. The photos do not do this place justice. It is COOL! Outdoor, trees and plants, shadow box tables with Arabian items under the glass, men at tables smoking the shisha, which doesn’t smell bad, free roaming cats and the best people watching ever.
And the food is good! I had my first falafel here and it was to die for. The fried falafel balls are quite different and the pita here is so much better because they are made fresh. And the yogurt is delicious; it uses pectin instead of gelatin so I can eat it all. The salads are nice too- yes, those are pomegranate seeds sprinkled on it.
Great pics Susan... thanks.
Good to hear from you. Keep posting.
LV, Noel
I am going to be soaking up the atmosphere soon at Karjeeen!!! I am sure Susan will take me there when I visit this Febuary 2008. I can't wait to sample the menu and take in all the interesting Omani culture. I've been reading some of the old posts to get a feel for where Susan and I might explore. It is all so exciting!
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